Happy Monday! Summer’s not over yet and in today’s posts I’m sharing 3 ways to wear a sarong. After trying out different ways to wear mine when I was in Jamaica, I figure why not share it with you all. After all, it’s not like these things come with a manual.
Criss-Cross Halter
This is definitely the most covered option of the three. All I did to achieve this look was tie the ends together and then crisscross is over my head.
This strapless option is probably the easiest of the three ways to tie your sarong. You literally just fold it in half and either tie it in the front or the back. I know it’s hard to see because of the print but mine is tied in the front.
Around your waist
My favorite way to wear a sarong. It’s kind of full-proof. Just wrap it around your waist and tie to your liking.
My bathing suit and sarong are both from Primark so I am not able to link them for you. I will however link my earrings which I love! One last thing, I have a trip coming up this week and I can’t wait to share where! Look out for a post on Wednesday talking about all of my upcoming travel plans.
Thanks for reading!