Today I bring you my August 2019 life update. My current state, balancing my life and content on here at Vida Fashionista and my new venture, the Philly Influencer Mixer. If you don’t know by now, I love staying busy. It’s my thing. Recently I notice that at times I stretch myself too thin. In the end it’s all about planning.

I didn’t get a post up on Friday and I was super upset with myself. While building the audience for the Philly Influencer Mixer I felt like I was letting down my audience (you guys) here at Vida Fashionista. This also isn’t just to do with the Philly Influencer Mixer, it’s blogger guilt in general. Whenever I don’t get a post up…maybe for personal reasons I feel like I’m letting y’all down. Sorry I’m rambling, just thoughts I’ve been thinking.
Anyway, I have a pretty busy week this week but I’m working on shooting new content for Vida Fashionista. I actually have lots of things planned…just gotta find the time to do them. Right now I’m just taking it one day at a time. I plan on getting a new post up for you either tomorrow or on Wednesday. Dîner en Blanc is on Thursday so you can definitely expect a recap post of it possibly Friday but definitely next week. If you need a refresh of it, check out this post.
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and cheers to a new week. I’ll leave you with a quote that I love, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t you are right.” – Henry Ford
Thanks for reading!