Hey y’all! Been having some technical difficulties all day trying to get this post up #Monday so here we go. These are some of my favorite bingeworthy Netflix shows!
You | Omg get ready to be creeped out to the 1000th degree. Penn Badgely aka Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl is the main character. To say that he is a stalker in the film wouldn’t be giving him justice lol. Just read the premise of the series because me trying to explain it will probably just give it away.
Black Mirror | The best part about Black Mirror is that you don’t have to watch the episodes in order. I accidentally started at season 4 first and didn’t realize until Sheldon said something and I was on season 1 lol. Anyway, the series is really cool and futuristic. Some of the episodes hit super close to home with the way technology and social media have evolved.
Making A Murderer | Did I ever tell y’all how much I love true crime? Well this story will keep you on the edge of your since and give you all the feels. It’s about a small town guy and how he gets “made” into being a murdered. Just watch it, it’s a good one!
Mindhunter | This show tickled my true crime fancy. I stumbled across it bored one day. It goes into the minds of serial killers to get a deeper understanding of them. Why they do the things they do and see if they can connect the dots to stop the next murder….chills
Sense 8 | This isn’t for everyone but I loved it! It’s about 8 strangers from all over the world that are connected first by a violent vision and then by their ability to connect with one another;sthoughts and actions.
Ozarks | A white collar accountant and father turns money launderer. This show will keep you on your toes.
Orange Is The New Black | Do I really even have to tell you about this one? I’m sure you’ve heard about it by now.
Stranger Things | Never thought I would see the day to like a Sci-Fi series! I think Sheldon and I finished the first season in a day or 2. It’s super good and the kid’s acting is amazing. They really steal the show!
Big Mouth | If you watch this I am warning you, this series is 12,000% inappropriate! It’s hilarious but super inappropriate. Pretty sure this show has South Park and The Simpson’s beat so proceed with caution lol.
F is for Family | Not nearly as bad as Big Mouth, more on the level of King of the Hill.
Sex Education | I just finished watching this on Friday. Ha, I watched all 8 episodes in one night. It’s hilarious and about a boy who’s mom is a sex therapist. He and a friend come up with a plan to help students at school with their sex lives. It doesn’t quite have the no-holds-barred view on sex that a site like tubev.sex does, but it’s a mature, charming show that makes for great viewing.
Gossip Girl | Yup, I’m super later to the party lol. I just saw it last December….of 2017. In my defense I was super busy in college when it came out.

Thanks for reading!