Happy hump day y’all! Let’s talk budget friendly…but make it fashion. There’s no surprise that I love fashion. I love fashion to the point that I choose to bargain shop. Always have always will. Don’t get me wrong, I do love the finer things in life as we all do but nothing makes me happier than getting something on sale.

It actually baffles me that people get confused when you find great pieces for low prices. Don’t you just love those dress for less comparisons when you paid $20 for the same jeans as someone that paid $150!? Well ladies and gents let me tell you. My top is from Charlotte Russe. I got it during their “going out of business” sale for like $7. My skirt is from Primark and was $10. Would you believe me…well you should.

I notice a “trend” going on with bloggers doing “affordable hauls” or buying pieces that are more affordable for their followers. This is what I have always been doing because I live my life this way. Mama taught me best. Let’s be honest, we all want to look great without breaking the bank. There are so many other things in life to spend money on than fashion.

Anywho, when it comes to fashion and “looking expensive” it’s really all about the accessories. They really have a way to dress up a look and change the whole feel of it. I’m currently working on a post dishing on all of my favorite budget friendly stores to shop at because I’ve got a lot. Definitely have my “go-to” stores but lots that I can share with y’all and I think you would enjoy. Do me a favor and tell me some of your favorite budget friendly stores in the comments.

Thanks for reading!