IT’S MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!!!! Literally my favorite day of the year (I’m biased) but yay here we are. I spoke about this on Instagram a while back but I’m going to share buying designer bags for less because I’m nice like that. Since it’s my birthday and I’ve been working extra hard I figure why not #treatyoself! Also let the record state that I am not working with Fashionphile on this post. I just genuinely love their products and service.

Here she is in all her glory! I went with the Gucci Padlock in the size small and as you can see I got my bag from Fashionphile. This is actually the second purchase that I made from Fashionphile. I love that everything is authenticated and that you can get designer bags at discounted prices! To make a long story short, items are initially listed above their retail price. If they don’t sell after 30 days they get discounted 10%, after 60 days 20% and 90 days 30%!!! Usually in the retail world these are small savings but on luxury goods these percentages can save you hundreds/thousands of dollars!

Let’s talk bags specifically. When it comes to choosing your bag, there are 4 condition options to select your bag: good, very good, excellent, and new. The better the condition, the higher price the bag will be marked up and like they say, you get what you pay for. For this bag and my other, Louis Vuitton Toiletry 26, I chose “excellent” condition. If I’m going to be spending the money already, I need the bag to not look too worn. This bag came in the most amazing condition. Any marks or deficiencies on any of the bags is disclosed when selecting/before purchasing the bag.

You can also choose the reserve luxury layaway to purchase your item. Simply put down 25% of the total to reserve it as yours and then you have 60 days to pay it off. I know, I know, many people will say “If you can’t afford it don’t buy it.” At the end of the day you like what you like. I could say the same for clothing or electronics or what have you. If you are a luxury goods lover this is a fantastic option to have!

So why did I choose this bag? Honestly I thought I wanted the Gucci Marmont but after seeing every blogger on the planet own that bag I knew I wanted something different. I was torn between this one and the larger one though. I’m happy with this one because I usually carry smaller crossbody bags plus since I’m petite the larger one was a little too big for my frame.
What do you think of my new bag? If you have any other questions feel free to as in the comments!
Thanks for reading!