Goodbye 2015, hello 2016. What can I say about this year!? So much has happened some things great and others not so great. My best moments were being able to go back to China again and meeting my favorite bloggers along with being backstage with Tresemme for New York Fashion Week. Not so great moments were breaking my foot and losing someone close to me. As always I’m heading into the new year with new goals…ones that are going to challenge me. I don’t believe in making resolutions but I do believe in setting goals for myself.
My first goal is to get healthy and back to dancing again. Being on crutches this long and having to wear a boot really does a number on your confidence but I fa do nothing but get better. Another goal of mine is to make more YouTube videos since I think y’all enjoy watching them and I enjoy creating them. I also would like to travel more, take some weekend trips and grow this blog more.
I thank each and everyone of you that have subscribed, commented, liked a photo, or just followed along on my little space on the Internet.
The best is yet to come!
Thank you for reading!