Is SHEIN legit? This is one of my most frequently asked questions! After thinking about writing a post on it, here we are. For those that do not know, SheIn is a super cheap clothing site. The prices will blow you away and you will start to question everything. Yes they are based in China but fear not. I like to think of all my followers as friends, so I won’t lie to you or steer you in the wrong direction. So, to sum the answer to that question up we must talk about the confounding variables.
Style Gallery
The first thing to do when you see an item you like is click on it and MAKE SURE it has a style gallery. This makes or breaks whether I buy it or not. There are misleading websites that put an item on the model and then when you get you package its totally different. So, make sure the item has a style gallery! It’s a reassuring way to see the item on real people. There have been times that I bought an item without a style gallery. This will usually be because the item is new and no one has purchased it yet. If you love it, just pull the trigger. If it’s horrible you are only out like $14 instead of $60 (that’s what I say).
Customer Reviews
When all else fails, you can never go wrong with listening to an old fashioned customer review. It’s the internet so some people can get brutally honest. You know what…that’s want you want though. I know you are already questioning the validity of the website to begin with. Then you want to make sure it’s not a sham…I assure you it’s not. The other thing about the customer review section is that they customers tell how the item fits. My review happens to be the 2nd one down but it’s totally honest. I really wanted to jacket and ordered a size larger than I normally wear. The jacket fit big but I like a “boyfriend” fit.
The other great thing about the customer review section is that you can also attach a picture there. Seeing the style gallery and the customer review section with more pictures always helps my decision.
The price of shipping can usually make or break your purchase. Personally, free shipping for orders of $50 or more kills me because sometimes I just want one thing. BUT being me, I will justify buying something else just to get free shipping…can I get an amen!? The great thing about SHEIN is that you get FREE, yes FREE shipping on your items! How ballin’ is that!?
Honestly, the price of expedited shipping is pretty cheap too so you can always choose that option as well. Story time…There was this one time when I needed a dress for a wedding and I was a little over a week out in needing this dress. I chose 2 dresses (couldn’t decide) and prayed that they would make it in time for the wedding. I placed the order 12/21/16, I don’t think it was processed until 12/22/16 and it came 12/30/16. Not bad to be coming from the other side of the world.
Like anything, it’s not all good
I am happy to say that I have more hits than misses with SHEIN. Take this “top” shown below. Now I made it work BUT I bought the item thinking it was a dress. I’m on 5’3″ and it was extremely short. I could not pass it off as a dress. There also was no elastic in the arms so you can’t lift your arms up comfortably. I should have known from the gallery that no one styled it as a dress. Oh well.
A note of care
Last thing and I promise to end this post. It’s in your best interest to NOT IRON ANYTHING from SHEIN. I found out the hard way. The dress below I had to wear backwards for the first photos because I put a hole in it with the iron. Since the dress was so cheap in price I ordered it again and it is worn properly in the Cinco de Mayo picture.
I hope you all enjoyed this post and I hope I answered your questions regarding SHEIN’s legitimacy. While I can’t speak for everyone else, this is all from my personal experience.
Thanks for reading!