Yesterday the family and I (minus Sheldon) took a trip to Mariner Farms. We were taking the kids on a hayride but little did I know I would get to check off some things from my Fall bucket list. The hayride turned into a little apple picking/photo session. The apples were so big and delicious at Mariner Farms. I think they were some of the biggest I’ve seen. You can clearly see from the photos.

Last year I barely left the house because of the pandemic plus I was pregnant. I didn’t get to do anything fun. This year being able to get out again and having Cora has made everything so much more fun. Though I know she’s still too small to remember or enjoy these experiences it’s still fun to start some traditions.

About five minutes into our hayride I was holding Cora and my mom goes, “Umm she’s asleep.” Yup, she fell asleep in my lap in the weirdest position haha and slept through the rest of the ride.

We were also supposed to grab some pumpkins but forgot haha. Thinking we can take another trip to do that.

After this trip we made a stop by Highland Orchards because so I had to get some apple cider donuts, yummmmm!
Thanks for reading!