My new additions Franco Sarto booties. I mean let’s just jump right into the thick of this post. Y’all should know that I have been on a booties/boot kick as of late. I am always one to try a trend or two here and there. The latest trend in boots gives me all the feels. At first I wasn’t too sure of how I felt about the white boot trend. After finding the right pair, I finally got on board. Even though I love my other pair of white boots, I wanted something that was a little more casual. A lower heel should do the trick. One day I was browsing websites and as I was one the T.J. Maxx site I decided to look for white boots. There they were! Literally the perfect boot. Leather, a slightly pointed to, the perfect heel height, super comfortable, this shoe is everything.
Now I hate to go on and on about how much I love these shoes because I’m pretty sure they sold out :-(. Let’s move on to my coat. Would you believe me if I said it’s from Primark? Would you believe me if I said it was only $35!? Yea, if you have a Primark store near you, you need to run there now. Unfortunately I cannot link this exact coat since Primark does not really have an online store. This coat is seriously a dream. It is lined but it’s not heavy. You can get away with wearing it as your coat up until the temperatures really drop. What I love most is the print on it. Yes it is the “it” print of the season but the “Glen Plaid” or incorrectly called the “Prince of Wales check” is timeless.
So, this outfit is a little out of the box for me but I have been enjoying playing in my closet. It’s a great outfit for showing how your accessories can really make or break a look. On to other news, today is Cyber Monday! I won’t bore you to death and go crazy in depth on all of the sales. You want what you want, ya know? At the bottom of this post you can see a few sales that I have rounded up for you.
Turtleneck // Jeans // Booties (sold out) // Bag //Sunglasses (sold out) // Earrings // Long Necklace
Thanks for reading!