Sharing what I’m packing for Hilton Head. Alrighty friends, the time has come and mama needs a vacation! I’m considering this my unofficial babymoon sans husband (work) but add the other baby (Cora) lol.

I promised to share with y’all not only what I’m packing for Hilton Head but also a travel guide. I will do the travel guide once I get back from this trip. My last one in 2016 was a weekend guide and it was during a family reunion so it wasn’t very resourceful. Plus over the years it seems that more and more people are starting to go to Hilton Head and would like more information.

That being said let’s talk weather. Hilton Head is hot! If you plan on going in the Summer or Fall be prepared for it to be hot and humid. It’s best to pack light color clothing and lightweight fabrics like linen. It definitely cools down at night but really only from the sun. It tends to stay kinda humid.

Lastly and the most stressful part about packing is packing for baby/toddler. The clothing is the easy part, it’s all the other stuff that gets me. This trip is definitely easier to pack for since Cora is a little older, needs less and I’ve done this trip before. It’s funny but whether you are packing for a weekend or a week, I think with kids it ends up being the same amount of stuff.

Thanks for reading!