Today I’m sharing a Preakness 2017 Recap. Preakness is an annual horse race in Baltimore, Maryland at Pimlico Race Course. In true Philly fashion, we have our own event. The great part about Preakness at the Piazza is that 100% of the net proceeds support the National MS Society. A ton of money was raised I think I heard $150,000 so that’s amazing.
During the event it’s just like the Kentucky Derby but the race isn’t the Kentucky Derby lol, it’s Preakness. Again, you will see big fabulous hats, fantastic dresses and the most unique bow ties and men’s jackets ever! It’s truly a great cause and reason to get out and party! Like the West Laurel Derby Party, there are fashion judges. They judge best dressed female and male, best hat, best shoes etc. I wish I took a picture of the guys that won best dressed. Let’s just say they both had on a suit jacket with horses all over it.
My good friend Gina was giving interviews and interviewed me, so fun! No Derby event is complete without my best gal…my mom. She loves them!
In non Preakness news guess what I’m doing today! I’m going indoor skydiving!!! Can you sense my excitement and Sheldon is going with me. He might be more excited than I am except he’s done the real thing. This will probably be the closest I get to going actual skydiving. Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Snapchat for behind the scenes. If you live in the area and want to go indoor skydiving, we are going to iFly in King of Prussia.
Thanks for reading!