Puffer Jackets Return

Puffer Jackets Return

Did anyone else hear about puffer jackets return? Well I think I read it when I was trend forecasting so here we are. I just got a ton of new arrival items in for the Fall and they are so good. Hoping to keep the Fall outfit inspiration coming for ya.

This puffer jacket comes in three colors. It’s such a great color for Fall. It’s also a nice length which is great because sometimes clothes today are good to look at but not that functional. Totally forgot to mention that it’s on sale so that’s a win for everyone!

Jacket // Turtleneck// Jeans // Bag // Sunglasses

Not sure if y’all have noticed but I’ve been a little MIA from social these last couple of days. First of all can we talk about Instagram and Facebook being down for almost the entire day on Monday? At first I thought I got hacked and kept refreshing over and over. Once I found out it was down I just enjoyed the day off. Plus Cora got her 6 months shots so that was no fun.

Puffer Jackets Return

Last thing before I go. We are in the process of starting to move so yea there’s that. I’ll share more about that soon. But let me tell you, it’s been a PROCESS!

Puffer Jackets Return

Thanks for reading!