I feel like I should prepare y’all for a long post about rediscovering my style. My Instagram feed has changed a bit lately in the outfit department. Not only is is Philly Fashion Week but I literally feel like I’ve rediscovered my style. Let me explain.
As I am coming up on my 4-year bloggerversary, I can’t believe it, I had to re-evaluate some things. There are days when I feel unmotivated (I’m only human) but it’s because I get stuck on what to wear. When I first started blogging I would just put any and everything together. Obviously the outfits made sense but this is when I truly gained my following. People weren’t following me because I dressed like everyone else. I took risks and looked different.
Over the last few years, I tried to wear things that other people would like or things that my followers would like. While I love and appreciate you all, I sort of lost myself. I no longer felt that sense of “I love my outfit and can’t wait to share it on the blog.” My outfits were “blah” and that was how I felt too. What was missing?
When fashion week (any fashion week) comes around I get newly inspired. It’s the one time of year to be extra AF and that’s what I love. I tried to think outside the box and find new ways to work the items I have in my closet. Let’s just say I’ve been much happier with my results. There’s a saying and it’s funny because it’s true but it says “I’m nicer when I like my outfit.”
Skirt //sunglasses // Adidas sneakers // purse
All this to say that if y’all are struggling with yourself in any aspect, sometimes you just need to take a step back and go back to the basics. Like in a relationship, if you are going through a rough patch, go back to the beginning and remember why you feel in love with the other person. Rediscovering my style is the strangest thing and super hard to explain but I couldn’t be happier choosing my outfits to wear now.
In other news, tonight is day 4 of Philly Fashion Week and there is a runway show. Next week I will be recapping my experience there and I can’t wait to share everything with y’all!
Thanks for reading!