Happy hump day babes! Let’s talk about Spring 2018 Trends! First off, it’s been a while since my last “WTWW”post. If you are new here, WTWW stands for “What to Wear Wednesday.” My Wednesday posts have been taken over by “Wedding Wednesday’s.” Until all of my wedding content is posted I will just alternate between the two. Moving on.
The first trend we will talk about is the sheer trend. First off, I didn’t even know this was a thing or trend when I bought this sheer dress from Express. I try not to follow trends but make sure that I am in the know for the people that do. Here I am mixing two trends: sheer and polka dots. This dress is the best of both worlds. Another way to dress this look up and be more edgy is would be to wear just a black bra and maybe boy shorts underneath. I’ve seen a look like that on the red carpet. Not exactly my stilo (style in Spanish) but to each his own. Also, since the weather can’t make up it’s mind I paired my favorite faux fur jacket with this.
Another trend that is likely to be worn by everyone is pastels. This is actually my outfit from Easter Sunday. Pastels seem to make a comeback every year, especially for Easter. This year we will be seeing pastels in all other forms of fashion. Those cotton candy jeans you got rid of years ago…they are back. Thank God I’m a slight hoarder and held on to mine lol. So of the two trends today, which one can you see yourself wearing?
Thanks for reading!