Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea

I got this Sweet Pea by Staci Frati blouse from the New York & Company outlet on my birthday.  As if the prices at the regular store weren’t great enough, this top was only $9.99!

Vida Fashionista Sweet Pea

When I saw the colors in the shirt, I knew it would go perfectly with this purse!  It’s a dead ringer for the Chloe ‘Drew’ bag right?  Also, how cute is the charm on my bag?  I also got it when I was in Maryland for my birthday.  It’s from T.J. Maxx and was like $3.99.

Vida Fashionista Sweet Pea Vida Fashionista

So did you all have a great weekend?  On Saturday I truly unplugged as much as possible and caught up on some sleep.  I also started watching this show called “Stranger Things” on Netflix.  It was so good that I finished the whole season (8 episodes).

Sweet Pea Vida Fashionista

similar shirt // jeans // similar sandals // purse// sunglasses // Michael Kors watch // earrings

Yesterday I uploaded my latest favorites video to my YouTube channel and relaxed by the pool. Be sure to check out my video and subscribe !

Thanks for reading!


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