The tassel craze is so real! There are so many back stories to this post so please get comfy and stay a while. First, let’s talk about this dress! SheIn is my go-to clothing website when I want unique clothing. For the most part, I don’t have any issues with material, shipping…knock on wood. Well let me tell you this first story lol.
Before we left for our trip, I kept telling myself to pack my portable steamer. Of course I forgot it. My dress was a little wrinkled so my genius self decides to “carefully” iron it. Everything was great until a drop of water got on the dress and I accidentally went over it with the iron. I put/burnt a hole in my dress! Of course I’m devastated. Sheldon is so encouraging saying it’s not that bad…he lied lol. The hole turned out to be right on the front of the dress and I freak out a little. I decide to wear the dress backwards and ordered another one immediately lol. So that’s story number one.
Story number two. Ever since I’ve had my new camera, Sheldon has not used it that much. While shooting these photos he’s acting really weird and overly excited. Meanwhile I’m so over taking pics at this point because I’m hungry. I brought my tripod for us to take pictures together and he starts playing with the self timer. What could have been done in 10 minutes takes like half an hour. I get frustrated since I’m “hangry” (being angry from hunger) and just want to leave. Finally we finish taking the pictures and head to breakfast. Fast forward post engagement. He was nervous because he was going to propose as he was setting up the self timer.
Last thing and a little less dramatic, I stepped in poop as we were walking to breakfast lol. I was waiting until we got out of the sand to put my sandals back on and felt something sticky on my foot. Yup, it was poop. Luckily there were lots of fountains around to wash your feet off.
Later on that night, we ate dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Zen, I sang karaoke and he proposed! Day 3 was pretty much amazing. I’ll be touching more on how he did it on Friday!!!
Thanks for reading!