The Bold Type, it’s not just a show on Freeform, it’s a way of life. On a serious note though, if you get a chance to watch the show, do it. The show focuses around three main characters in their twenties. They started with their magazine company as assistants and are trying to reach their dream jobs while finding love and managing friendships. Besides that, the biggest takeaway I get from the show is that these characters are trying to find their identities.
Which character do I identify with myself? Sutton. Sutton is someone that went to school for business but is currently trying to make a name for herself in the fashion world. Her dream is to work in fashion but she doesn’t have the “credentials”. At the end of the day, it isn’t always about your education but what you know. Your experiences are most important. She lives and breathes fashion which is why you can see me identifying with her. I myself did not go to school for fashion. One thing that I told myself this year is that I am going to really go after my dreams. As of late, I do feel sort of like the bold type. Great things never came from comfort zones right!?
I will touch more and go into detail on what I am talking about in the next coming weeks. This post is just meant to encourage someone today. Maybe you are wrestling with an unsatisfied relationship or you don’t feel fulfilled at work. What ever it is, you deserve all the happiness in the world. I hate the saying that “life is short” but I do believe that while you are on this Earth you should enjoy it. Enjoy it in all aspects as much as you can.
Sorry for getting a little deep but I had to get that off my chest. Today marks only one more week of Center City District Sips! I really hope to see some of you out in the next week. Who knows where I will end up today.
Thanks for reading!