I’ve written about having a snakeskin pair of booties before. Well check out my updated snakeskin booties! I’m collaborating with Qupid Shoes today to showcase my style. These booties are the perfect addition to my wardrobe. I love them because I can wear them as we reach the tail end of Summer aka pre-Fall. They will also clearly get lots of wear from me during the Fall.

If you follow me on Instagram, I did a try on session of all the shoes that I received. Y’all went NUTS for these booties so the Qupid team decided to offer a 20% code…’vidafashionista20′. Also for size reference, I ordered my true size in these booties.

I hope you all had a great weekend. Yesterday was a bit of a debacle with me trying to attend BET’s Black Girls Rock, smh. Anyway, I won’t let that get me down but happy Monday!
Thanks for reading!
*Today’s post is in collaboration with Qupid Shoes. All opinions are my own.*