I have to get this off of my chest. Anyone feel like lately people (bloggers in particular) look like walking advertisements? Yes this is our job but, what ever happened to young men and women shopping for themselves and what looks best on them? Not searching for items that are always on trend. Being trendy is exhausting. It seems like now all you see is people in competition for who has the most attention-grabbing labels. I probably feel this way because I follow all fashion bloggers lol. Back to the topic though. Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to have a few luxury pieces but sometimes less is more. What do I mean?
Like most people, I started my blog with pure intentions. I was always asked about the details of my outfits and I enjoyed putting looks together. Add a great camera, social media and the internet and here we are. I never cared about which designer I had on and who would see my coveted “Gucci shoes”. The blogging world has transformed into a whole animal in itself. My beloved hobby has turned into a marketing ploy for followers and trends. Self doubt set in because I did have the “it” bag of the season. I know it’s our job to be “walking advertisements” but only to a certain extent. Honestly, everyone is starting to look the same.
There have been a few blog posts out there in which women feel like they aren’t worthy. They don’t have “enough” followers so they feel like that is equivalent to their worth. I’ve heard of people that strategically buy items only to return (hello blacklisted). I’ve heard it all. Meanwhile, the authenticity of style is lost.
This is probably way too much information and many people might feel some way about what I’m writing. Guess what, I’m just being honest. I want to stay honest and authentic. This is my little space on the internet to freely express my thoughts and that’s what I’m doing. Now, my style will always evolve but I don’t want y’all to feel as if you can’t relate to what I’m wearing. Again, designer/luxury items are nice but I have other things I like to spend my money on as well. My thought on bloggers was always that they are relate-able. “Normal” people that share their fashion/travel experiences with the world.
I would love to hear your thoughts on the way I feel. Please let me know I’m not alone in this.
Thanks for reading!
Love this look! I want those shoes.
EstherSanter.com | Instagram | Bloglovin
Thanks babe! Got them from Primark for $18!!!!
I am loving your bag and shoes!
Thanks so much girl!
I totally agree with you. Let’s not measure our worth by number of folllwers or amount of engagement! I love youur style, keep doing YOU!
Thank you so much Roxanne