Today I’m offering some words of wisdom. Now I know I’m not a wise, sage person but I just want to say this. Maybe it’s for you and maybe it’s for me. As human beings, we yearn to fit in. Sometimes we can do that to a fault. I always felt that I never quite “fit in” because I always had a million and one things to do (and not much has changed) but I never felt fault in that. Some may say “you’re weird” but take that with a grain of salt and make it a compliment. It means you are unique and people can’t quite figure you out.
I recently watched a documentary about fashion icon Iris Apfel and had some eye opening revelations. Number one, this lady never dressed to please any one else other than herself. The quirkier the outfit, the more she felt like herself. I see a lot of myself in Iris. I was teased in high school a bit for my crazy outfits but that never stopped me from being who I am.
I’ll admit, blogging is hard. Sometimes I feel as if I’m just talking to myself in these posts. There is one thing I’ll say though, I got into a funk…had some inspiration block. I finally realized that I had conformed to many trends that other people (bloggers specifically) were doing. Iris says, “no trends, no rules.” Though I love to wear a basic outfit every now and then, I’ve always had a more “eccentric” style and I had drifted away from that and I didn’t even notice!
Watching Iris’s documentary I realized why I loved fashion in the first place. I love to play dress up, always have and who doesn’t!? The best quote I heard in Iris’s documentary said “playing dress up begins at age 5 and never truly ends.” So what I’m trying to say is always be true to yourself.
Thanks for reading!