Hi Friends! With 2019, I’ve been upping my styling on the blog and with you all. We are at that awkward time of year when we don’t know if we are dressing for Winter or Spring. We are also kind of unsure which season to buy for. Looking into our closet starts to become uninspiring and we don’t know what to do. Let’s take it one step further and I’m going to share how to get out of a closet rut.

Do a closet purge/detox
You would be surprised how much stuff you have that you don’t need or wear. There is a reason why they call it Spring cleaning but some of us need to do it more than once a year. My general rule of thumb, if I haven’t worn it in at least 2 years, it’s gotta go. Closet staples obviously keep but if it’s a trendy piece and you are just waiting for it to come back in style…let it go.

Use Pinterest for inspiration
If you can’t figure out how to put outfits together or what to do with your pieces, do what I do and head over to Pinterest. I could literally sit on Pinterest all day long. One of my favorite things to do is to look at fashion for some inspiration.

Become a smarter shopper
This is something that I could also get better at. There is no reason to have a closet full of clothes, shoes and bags that you don’t even wear. There is a lie going around that you can’t wear the same thing twice…especially not for a fashion blogger *gasp. The trick is buying closet staples with a mix of things you love. This way, you can play around with different combinations to create new looks. Find your favorite pair of jeans, buy them in black, blue denim and white and really that’s all you need for jeans. <—- Just an example. You work hard to buy the things you want, make sure they are getting some wear too.

Put it on display
One thing I find that helps me is to be able to clearly see my clothes and accessories. If you have your key items that you always grab, try getting a clothing rack to hang them on. You could also put them where you look the most at your closet.
Thanks for reading!