Denim Jacket 4 Ways. Not gonna lie, I’ve been struggling to figure out content to share here on the blog. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks yesterday…”why don’t I share my TikTok content!?” I’ve been spending so much time doing dance and styling videos on TikTok that I realized I owe it to those that don’t follow me on social (but you should) the enjoyment. BTW, you can always shop my TikTok videos here.
Anyway, one of my latest styling videos was how to style a denim jacket 4 ways. I shared this yesterday on my Instagram so here ya go!
With black jeans
With a dress
With a skirt
With athleisure
Which way is your favorite option? For me I think it just depends on the day and my mood lol. There are so many ways that you can wear a denim jacket but these are just 4 totally different styles.
So I hope everyone had a great weekend. Let me know what content you want to see from me. I’m sharing lots of sales on social and fingers crossed I get my first newsletter out! After 6 years of blogging I’m finally getting it together lol.
Thanks for reading!