Endless Summer. I’m back! In case you missed it, I was away for the week with family in Hilton Head Island, SC. It’s literally my favorite place in the U.S. My family actually lives down there and we usually have a family reunion but did not this year because of COVID. Instead my parents planned this trip a while ago so here we are. Anyway, I noticed lots of bloggers pushing Fall content right now. I promise I will get there but I want to enjoy these last weeks of Summer. Also, forgive me if you start seeing outfits going back and forth from Summer to Fall lol, it’s a weird time of year.

I loved this outfit and it’s so true that you are more confident (and nicer) when you like your outfit. This was the day we took Cora to get her ears pierced. The weather is always tropical in Hilton Head so this outfit was 100% appropriate. If you are a fan of Mortal Kombat, I made a joke that my hat reminds me of Kung Lao. You can’t really tell in these pictures but the brim is super wide! What else did I expect when I purchased an “ultra wide brimmed hat”. Haha anyway, it was perfect for keeping my face protected from the sun and was even big enough to block the sun when I held Cora.

In true Vida Fashionista form, I made the effort of documenting all of my looks which I can make a blog post for you. Just in case you need some vacation outfit inspiration in the future.

That’s it for today. I’ll probably be back tomorrow with another post from Hilton Head. Figure I may as well get my Summer content out of the way now and then get y’all ready for Fall. What are your thoughts? Are you happy or sad that Summer is ending? Personally I’m just excited for Fall fashion.
Thanks for reading!