It’s “wedding Wednesday” and with my upcoming wedding, I want to be a fit bride. I mean in my best shape possible. Not just for the wedding but for life in general. Instead of most brides that are “shedding for the wedding” I call my journey “shredding for the wedding”. I’m not trying to lose any weight, just tone and look strong. Since the new year started, I have been opting for healthier choices. The wedding is just some added motivation for all of this. Y’all, I can’t believe that we are about 5 months and counting til the wedding!
Y’all know I am a dancer. I also play tennis, ran track, did cheerleading and some gymnastics along with other sports. Fitness always cane second nature to me and was part of my daily routine.
My fitness goal for the year was just to exercise regularly. Leading up to the wedding, my goal is to work out 6 days a week with Sunday being my rest day. Yes, 6 days sounds like a huge commitment but just think about it for a sec. Working out doesn’t always have to be in a gym. Some of my favorite workouts are home workouts using just your body weight. If you would like to see an at home workout post, just let me know.
It’s a funny thing because you never really know how out of shape you are until you start working out again. That’s where I am at lol. My legs in particular are on fire but this too shall pass. I love having this blog and having you all because it holds me accountable for the things I say. Taking you along for my fitness journey until the wedding and beyond is going to be so much fun!
I don’t know why but I’ve always felt like the word diet was this awful curse word. It’s such a small word with such a strong meaning and huge commitment. I am not restricting myself because I LOVE to eat, just making smarter choices. This includes eating less dairy, cooking at home more, eat more vegetables, the things your mom tells you to do.
The road won’t be easy but I’m excited to have y’all with me on this journey!
Thanks for reading!
Queso Fondito is the majority of our diet hahaha!
That is the truth lol