This post has been a long time coming (like 2 years in the making). I’ll try not to make it too long but this is a list of my holy grail natural hair products. These are the products that I use just about every time I do my hair on wash day. Be sure to keep reading the post as I couldn’t fit pictures of everything I use in the collage.

A diffuser. Since I don’t use heat on my hair, I make sure if and when I diffuse it that it’s set to cool.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Apple cider vinegar is great for natural hair. For best results, be sure that it has “the Mother” in it. “The Mother” is the part of the ACV that is good bacteria and gives it a cloudy appearance. I do an ACV rinse in my hair one a month. I might start to do them twice a month. ACV helps remove product build up, helps with itchy scalp and the acidity is close to natural hair which makes for it to be a good conditioner. It also leads to smoother hair by closing the cuticle.
Hask Keratin Protein Deep conditioner. Not only does it smell amazing but it keeps your hair super moisturized. I deep condition once a week (on every wash day). The other great part about deep conditioning is that you really can’t do it too much.
Hask Keratin Protein Shampoo and Conditioner. So I switch back and forth with the Cantu shampoo and conditioner and the Hask. I don’t want my hair to get too used to one product and it not be as effective anymore. Plus, I loved the deep conditioner so much that I started using the shampoo and conditioner.
Cantu Shampoo, Conditioner, & Curl Activator. As you can see in the picture I am a HUGE Cantu fan. I understand that Cantu products are not for everyone as they are very thick. For my texture, I need something that is thicker and I have found that Cantu products work for me best.
Cantu Coconut Curling Cream. When I use this cream I definitely notice more definition in my hair. This goes in my hair after I put my leave-in conditioner and all the oils in it.
Cantu Conditioning Co-Wash. I alternate this with my shampoo on wash days. Every other week I co-wash only meaning I don’t use shampoo. Don’y be grossed out by that statement. The co-wash is used as my cleanser and conditioner.
Cantu Leave-In Conditioner. Leave-in conditioner is the most essential product for naturals in my opinion. Not only do I use mine on wash day but whenever my hair is feeling dry I put some in my hair. I am almost finished with this jar and am thinking of switching to the Curls products. I’ll end up doing another natural hair products post/what I’m using in a couple of months and let you know my thoughts.
Doo Gro Stimulating Hair Oil. Give me all the oils and creams. I love using this oil especially on my scalp if it’s feeling/looking dry. It smells so good and is supposed to stimulate hair growth. It can also be used for a hot oil treatment.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I’m pretty sure I use this oil for everything. Cooking, my hair, as body moisturizer. Also used in my hot oil treatments.
Coconut Oil. Another great and essential oil to use for naturals. I always use mine to mix in for my hot oil treatments.
Jamaican Black Castor Oil. As stated above, give me all of the oil. This oil isn’t for everyone as it’s really thick but I love it! It helps with keeping my hair moisturized and I can use it for my hot oil treatments.
Satin Bonnet. If you get nothing else from this post, be sure to get a satin bonnet. Pillowcases are made of cotton which breaks your hair and can create frizz. Satin will help reduce frizz, breakage, tangles and dryness.
Satin pillowcase. Now I don’t own one of these next (my next purchase). If you have a satin bonnet you are good. Go one step further and get a satin pillowcase too.
Wide-tooth comb. Wide-tooth combs help to prevent breakage and preserve the shape of your curls. Also, make sure when you are combing your hair that you start from the bottom and work your way to your root. This will lead to less tangles and breakage.
Detangler and Denman brush. To each his own (I own both) but these are both used for detangling your hair. For me, the denman brush gets the tangles out and then I go over my hair with the detangling brush which snaps the curls back.
Plastic Hair Clips. General rule of thumb…if it has metal on it, throw it away. This includes hair ties. I love these clips for separating my hair into sections on wash day and for styling.
I’m pretty sure I could go on talking about products but I’m trying to keep this post as short as I can. There is a lot of TLC that goes into natural hair. The most important is time. Over time, you will definitely start to see changes. If you have any more questions regarding products or natural hair, please let me know in the comment section. You can also find all of these products on my Amazon page here under my Holy Grail Natural Hair Products.
Thanks for reading!
I like the Cantu products I did start to use it I see a different can U pls tell me more about it or product cause now I’m struggling with my hair it seems like it doesn’t grow help me pls
Hi. Please take a look at my last eat natural hair post https://vidafashionista.com/best-natural-hair-products-for-2020/. I do not use Cantu products anymore. You really just have to find what works best for your hair.