Happy Wednesday everyone! Y’all wanted more travel posts so today I’m sharing how I pack for trips. After receiving some questions from our trip to Jamaica about how much I packed and how I fit it all, I’m sharing my tips.
Make lists
It is so satisfying for me to feel a pen on some paper. I will either write out what items I want to bring in a notebook or write out the exact outfits for certain days on a calendar. By writing out the individual items, it’s a checklist to make sure I don’t forget anything. Writing down the exact looks just makes getting dressed everyday easier.
Take pictures
Writing things down only goes so far. Since I am more of a visual person, I need to see the looks I am creating on my body. The outfits may sound good on paper but putting them on might require some edits. Take this one step further and create an album in your phone and add all of your looks to it. This way you won’t deviate from what you create and you will remember what goes with each look.
When packing hats, stuff the center and pack them first
One thing I hate is walking around the airport with 4 hats piled on my head because I am avoiding smushing them in my suitcase. Over the years of travelling I learned this life hack. Pack all of your hats inside of each other. Once you are finished, stuff the hats with any clothing you have. That way the centers will not flatten. You will then pack around the hats. Another note; along with packing my hats first, I also pack my beach bags. I do the same thing by stuffing the largest beach tote full of the other bags and then I lay it down flat. Once I have them in the suitcase first, I pack around them with my clothing and shoes.
Get Organized
I might not be the most organized person in my everyday life but when it comes to packing I am. There is nothing like that feeling that you are forgetting something or actually forgetting something. Not only do I try on all my outfits, make lists and take pictures but I also take into consideration how I’m packing. How I fold everything to be able to fit it all and being able to lift my suitcase to make sure it’s not over 50lbs. It’s much easier to stay under that 50lb mark if you are traveling somewhere warm though. Lighter clothes equals less weight and therefore you can pack more :-).
Pack your carry-on wisely
My carry-on will always have all of my electronics, an extra swimsuit, outfit, under garments and my toothbrush and toothpaste. In the event luggage gets lost, at least you have electronics to keep you occupied, an extra outfit, fresh under garments and good smelling breath lol. I like to have an extra swimsuit in my carry-on (for warm weather destinations) in case we arrive at our hotel before our rooms are ready. Why not wait for your room to be ready by the pool? Plus it’s always nice to bust out your Hermoza swimsuit as early as possible to really make you feel that vacation feeling from the outset. Why not treat yourself to a new swimsuit? This will really build up the anticipation and excitement of going on your travels, plus it’s always nice to have new things in your wardrobe!
Thanks for reading!