Today I’m sharing this “jacket dress.” If you know by now, I am so in love with this jacket. So much so that as I looked at it I saw the perfect outfit. Of course, this outfit can only be worn in the Fall time. Maybe even when it warms up in the winter to become Spring. Since wearing it, I realized that it’s not as heavy as I originally thought it was or as long. I can use this to my advantage to be able to style it in the way that I did for this post. A statement belt made the perfect addition to finish off the look.
Haha, this is really funny but if you do plan on wearing this look, wear something on your bottoms. I made the mistake of only wearing my stockings and let’s just say don’t bend over. I love this look because it is very chic. One last thing about the jacket is that the saving grace is the lining in it. While it’s not the heaviest, it will still keep you warm.
Purse // Booties // Earrings // MAC lipstick in “Antique Velvet” // Stockings
So what’s going on in the world of “Vida Fashionista”? Today I am getting my first oxygen bubble facial which I can’t wait. I am also still recording everyday for vlogmas!!! My first vlogmas video will be ready to go up tomorrow! It’s such a challenge recording everyday on top of posting regularly but we got this. I hope y’all enjoy my randomness lol.
Thanks for reading!