Hello friends, long time no talk. I know things are strange right now, trust me, plus finding appropriate content to share is a struggle. To pass our time by, let’s talk about keeping busy while stuck at home.
Let me be honest, last week I was driving the struggle bus. It was a combination of shock from the ever changing information we are getting regarding the Corona Virus plus lots of changes with work. One of the main things being many of my projects got pushed back or put on hold. I didn’t really know how to cope so I kind of stopped doing everything. Aside from creating TikTok content, I didn’t want to do much else.
I saw many other bloggers talking about “how to be productive while working from home”, people deep cleaning their houses and I just felt stuck “making TikTok videos”. Now I am realizing that is what I needed in the moment to get through and you know what, it’s OK! Now going into week two of quarantine I’m ready to get “back to normal” and get the ball rolling. Here’s some things I plan to do moving forward:
Home Workouts
If you read this post or follow me on Instagram then you know I am no stranger to home workouts. I think I did everything in my power last week to be unproductive so I’m changing that here on out. Most of my favorite home workouts are found on YouTube.
I have yet to do this BUT I’ve been carrying around the same book for weeks now convincing me that it will make me read it. Well there’s no time like the present. The book I’m talking about is called “Fear Is My Homeboy”
Virtual Chats
Hey, don’t forget that we are all in this together. I’ve been in so many FaceTimes and virtual happy hours since being stuck in the house. To look on the bright side, if there were ever a time to be stuck in the house 2020 is it. Don’t feel like you are completely isolated. Take time to catch up with friends using all of the face-to-face apps and platforms.
Cleaning and Purging
Let me tell you a secret about me…I HATE CLEANING! Haha there I said it! Always have and probably always will but at this point in my life I have accepted it. Do I feel better afterwards, yes but actually doing it feels like torture lol.
Something that I absolutely love to do. Writing is so therapeutic and sometimes you just need to get your thoughts down on paper. Plus it’s so cool to look back on and reflect months or years from now on where you were in this season of your life.
Set Small Daily Goals
We don’t know how long we will have this time to be at home. Don’t put all you eggs in one basket and try to do everything at once. Set small daily goals for yourself. Instead of saying you’re going to clean your whole house, start with one room instead.

People can tell you over and over again “what to do” or “what you should be doing” while you are at home. Honestly do whatever you need to do to stay sane. Personally I can’t sit still so making videos and creating content is my vice. If watching TV and streaming services is your jam…then do that :). What are you doing to keep busy while you’re stuck at home?
Stay safe and thanks for reading!