Kitchen Transformation. The time has come! I have been putting off sharing home updates and transformations waiting for “the perfect time” or “waiting for things to be complete”. Then I realized that if I continue to wait I will never publish the posts so here we are. We have been in our home for four months now and even though it feels like longer I have to give myself and the hubs a pat on the back for all that we have done in such a short amount of time. Now this home is no fixer upper but there were a few updates that I wanted to do before moving in and then finishing them as we go.

The first thing on my list was to brighten up this kitchen. I could feel the potential of this kitchen and felt that the wood cabinets were clashing with the hardwood floors. It needed a little more balance and some contrast with the dark countertops. Mind you, I was convinced that my long term goal for the kitchen was to lighten the countertops as well. I changed my mind once I saw the countertops with the white cabinets.

Many people do not realize that cabinets can be crazy expensive, honestly there are lots of things that are expensive with homes that need to be talked about more. I never thought of needing to buy new cabinets seeing as there was nothing wrong with the ones that came with the house. They just needed a little TLC. This is when having a carpenter dad comes in handy. He was super helpful with all of this and the first thing we (he) did was remove the cabinet doors. We sanded all of them to help the paint stick. This is key if you are looking to do the same. Sheldon used the hand sander to sand the edges of the cabinets. By the way, the cabinet color is Sherwin Williams “Snowbound”.

Once we painted the cabinets white I had my dad put holes in the doors for cabinet pulls. I feel like this is what really helps make it look like we got brand new cabinets. We also updated the light fixture. The old one did not give enough light in our opinion and was a bit outdated. I loved this modern fixture even though I think I have an old soul lol.

A bit of a passion project I had was sprucing up the blank wall on the opposite side of the sink. I felt like backsplash would look great but wasn’t exactly ready to take on yet another expense. Plus I wasn’t sure what kind to get so I went with a peel ‘n stick option. It’s budget and renter friendly. Total installation time was about half an hour because I had to customize it around our existing cabinets. I also added some floating shelves to this empty space on the wall for storage and decorating purposes because it just feels like it completes the kitchen. I went with this option because the wood grain design sort of matched our floors.

Finally the after! I think you never actually feel finished when it comes to home design but when I tell you that this kitchen is exactly what I had in mind, it really is. This project was a true labor of love and I love the way it turned out.

Thanks for reading!