Let’s talk about low country living. If y’all don’t mind, for the remainder of the week I’m sharing my Hilton Head photos. Hilton Head Island is also known as “low country”. I talk about it all of the time and if you have been there before then you know why. I love that my family is from there and I got to spend parts of childhood staying on the island. Would I ever live there…maybe, but to be able to vacation there is just as good. The people, hospitality, food, gorgeous weather, THE PALM TREES, just everything. Haha I’m a sucker for palm trees.
Before I get into the outfit details, let me tell you a fun fact about Hilton Head Island. When you drive on the roads, especially the back roads, you will notice there are no street lights. I thought it was just because it’s in the country but that’s not it. The island is super content with sharing their land with the creatures of nature. Well apparently, when baby turtles hatch, they go towards the moonlight. As to not confuse the baby turtles after they hatch, the island is very low lit. Crazy huh!?
I wore this outfit one morning by the water thinking it would be cooler, boy was I wrong. Since it was still early morning, I survived wearing this sweater I just got.
sweater // shoes // hair scarf // bag
Thanks for reading!