Hi friends and welcome back to Walt Disney Wednesdays! In case you missed it, I announced in this post that I am heading to Disney soon! I have lots of content planned around the trip and I’m breaking things up. Today let’s talk about what I’m packing for Disney World!

Ha! A little more specifics on the trip, I am heading to Disney for a week. Y’all A WHOLE WEEK! Thank God it’s going to be hot so my clothes won’t take up too much space. Anyway everything that you see in this post obviously isn’t all that I’m packing. I just needed it to look festive lol #doitforthegram. With the help of Pinterest and lots of friends/bloggers that are experienced Disney enthusiasts, here is my list.

- Shorts – While I don’t exactly advise denim shorts I think athletic or linen shorts would be a great option for a day at the park. I just picked up the cutest white polka dot pair from Primark! FYI, I will be packing denim shorts to wear on days when we are not at the park. And who knows, I just might feel like wearing them to a park one day too!
- A pair of jeans – Not exactly for the park days since it will be hot but for lounging around the house or for a casual family dinner one night.
- Disney shirts – If you go to Disney and don’t wear a Disney shirt…did you even go!? Seriously though, I need to step my game up because I actually don’t really have any….*runs to Disney store.
- Light jacket – Not exactly necessary since we are going in July but I always get cold. Plus this will be great to have for the plane ride.
- Comfortable walking shoes – This goes without question. You will be doing a ton of walking in Disney. Even though I am creating content, I still need to be comfortable to do it. I will definitely have my red and black Converse for the “cute” sneaker and then my Toms which are ridiculously comfortable. Any sandals packed will be for days outside the park of if I go to Splash Mountain.
- Fanny pack/Backpack/Crossbody bag – Something that will allow you to be hands free. I plan on having a fanny pack or crossbody bag along with this backpack that I just got. Each day I will have my camera(s) with me so my backpack will be a great place for them. Plus a backpack is great to keep new merchandise, snacks or an emergency medical kit…always thinking ahead. Hint hint: more coming on what in my Disney backpack at another time.
- Pajamas – Thanks to Primark, I already have a couple pairs of Minnie and Mickey pajamas.
- Swimsuits – The house we are staying at has a pool which I plan on being in everyday when I’m not at the park. I like to keep the Disney theme going and pack at least 1 polka dot or Mickey/Minnie swimsuit.
- Disney ears – Duh! I don’t even know if this needed to be said but I already have a little collection. Next week I plan on sharing where to get the best Disney ears from. Even though my mom says I have enough, I really want to get a festive pair. Like the flower Minnie ears or these amazing Princess Jasmine ears (next on my list), they are so fun!
- Magic Bands – Totally forgot to include these but I don’t want my Disney posts to seem too redundant. I did just ordered this one for myself though. I’ll touch more on these at a later date too!

I think that’s everything for today. Be sure to check back next week for Walt Disney Wednesdays because I’ll be sharing wear to get the best Disney ears from! Do you think I forgot anything?
Thanks for reading!