Ever have those moments when you feel like you are under pressure? I mean like a tremendous amount of pressure….that’s me right now. With the pressures of the wedding, wanting things to be perfect, blogging, creating, landing and sustaining partnerships it’s all overwhelming. As a blogger it’s our job to make the craziest things look flawless. That’s half the reason why most people don’t consider it a job, because they don’t see half the work that goes into it. Bear with me as I write this post, it’s sort of a brain dump for me.
You may or may not have noticed but my blogging schedule of posting has sort of been lacking. Not because I don’t want to produce content for y’all but I’m in this rut where I feel like no one is listening and I’m getting in my own head about things. I’ve been feeling really uninspired and looking in the wrong places for inspiration. I’ve been putting so much pressure on myself to uphold a posting schedule because consistency is key. If you didn’t notice I typically post Monday, Wednesday and Friday’s at 5am. I try to post on Tuesdays and Thursday’s as well. When I don’t hold to that schedule I really beat myself up about it. To make it worse, I go to Instagram to see what everyone else is doing and they all seem so inspired. Then I beat myself up even more.
Oh and did I mention our wedding coming up!? More stress and pressure for perfection. Thank God all of the planning is done but there is still an endless to do list. It’s tough when you just feel alone with things. I get in my head about that too. Make up scenarios that probably aren’t even true or won’t happen.
Instead of complaining and sulking about it I’m trying to fix these situations.
- If I miss a post day, oh well. I’m tired of posting just for the sake of posting. If it’s a crap post, y’all will read right through it anyway. I’m working on not beating myself up too much for missing post days and I hope y’all understand.
- Spending less time on Instagram. Instagram can be great when you need inspiration but it’s also the first place that takes my mind into a downward spiral. I look at other people’s content and think I should be doing more of what they are doing. I play the comparison game (we all do it) or look at my follower count verses someone else’s and think that defines my worth…my brand. Until I’m out of this rut y’all won’t see much of me on Instagram stories anymore. When I post on stories, next thing I know I’m watching someone else’s stories, then I go to their profile….it’s a viscous cycle. I’m limiting myself to just posting and then staying off of Instagram until I feel comfortable and secure enough to return. Also, I’ll try to keep up with your comments and questions on Instagram too.
- After the wedding I’m taking Vida Fashionista into a whole new creative direction. It’s not that I’m completely uninspired, I just keep catching myself trying to see what others are doing. WHICH IS SO NOT ME! I have vision and ideas and it may require a little help and y’all will see that in the months to come.
- Get organized. Y’all…I have 3 planners…THREE! One of them is supposed to have my blogging editorial calendar on it but I’ve been slacking. I have the photos, I just can’t think of great content at the moment. In the beginning of the year I was doing great at keeping up with my editorial calendars s now it’s a run away train. Once I get that back in order things will flow smoother.
- There was an Instagram post I saw last year and it said 9 things to give up of you want to be happy. Those things are: Complaining, limiting beliefs, blaming others, negative self talk, dwelling on the past, resistance to change, the need to impress others, the need to always be right, and the need for others approval.
Ok that’s it for today, I think I’ve rambled enough. I really needed to get all of this out in the open though. Day-by-day I’m feeling a little better but it’s a struggle. Happy Good Friday and I hope you all have a great weekend. I’m heading to the Brewer’s Plate tonight!
Thanks for reading!