Taking you to the West Laurel Hill Kentucky Derby today. Oh my goodness, what a great Mother’s Day weekend this was. On Saturday, I went to a Kentucky Derby event which the lovely Kate from Philly PR Girl put together and it was so much fun! I brought my mom along as my plus one and she totally stole the show!
First off both of the hats that my mom and I are wearing are from her collection. When we were getting dressed, I saw her hat and was like “but I like your hat better”. She says to me, “well Davida it was either you or me.” Lol I let her have her way since it was Mother’s Day weekend after all. When we arrived to the event it was perfection. There was a string band playing, photo booth, horse and carriage rides, signature derby cocktails such as mint Juleps and tons of hats! Throughout the event my mom got compliments on her hat and outfit and then finally the moment of truth, the judging. There were four judges looking for best dressed male and female and best hats for male and female. When it came time for best hat female they were describing my mom’s outfit and I go “Mom that’s you!”
We were so shocked and excited. I felt like a proud parent lol. All of the category winners then got a photo together and we finished up watching the race. I’m so glad I got to share this experience with my mom and so happy that she ended up winning something. And to add to her win, she ended up on the news!
The next event coming up in Philly is Preakness at the Piazza and I cannot wait! It’s a fundraiser for MS and it is also Kentucky Derby style dress so be on the lookout for that. My mom is officially my plus one again and she’s already planning her outfit lol.
Preakness at the Piazza is Saturday May 21 from 5-9:30. If you are interested in going, visit the website at http://www.preaknessatthepiazza.com/