Today’s post is a reminder that we may be two weeks into the new year but it’s never too late to start something. Ha, I wanted to start this post off by saying happy new year again…but when do we actually stop saying it? Well anyway, let’s hop to the point of today’s post.

My 2020 started off amazing and with a bang. I was already checking off some of my goals for the year and them BAM, I got the flu. Three days into the new year and I am down and out for the count. I got sick right after my Fox29 segment. I even went on air sick that Monday the 5th and then I went straight to bed and worked on getting better. Needless to say there were deadlines that I was not able to fulfill, events I could not attend and blog posts that did not get drafted or published. I even cut back on Instagram which y’all know I am on every single day.

Besides starting to go stir crazy from so much rest, I started feeling guilty. I genuinely could not focus on the fact that I was healing my body so that I could get back to my normal life. Just a huge sense of guilt. Usually I share 3 blog posts a week….this is currently my second one of 2020…guilty. My plan was also to make my vision board and share it on the blog but I had no strength to do so….GUILTY! Once I felt better and stopped feeling guilty and sorry for myself I realized something….it’s NEVER TOO LATE to get back on that horse.

I came to realize that this is why so many people don’t follow through with their New Year Resolutions. There’s a sense of “If I don’t start it by January 1, I’ve already failed.” That could not be further from the truth. Let’s give ourselves some grace and start when and where we can. There’s a quote that I love and it says “Do what you can with what you have, where you are.” – Theodore Roosevelt.

Sorry if I am rambling but I needed to get this written out and I know someone needed to hear this. Now that I am healthy again I will get back into my normal workouts, start writing more, shooting more content, etc. Don’t let your setbacks define you. They just set you up for your comeback.
Thanks for reading!