similar vest // T-Shirt // similar jeans //Shoes: c/o Aerosoles // Hat: vendor at work // Michael Kors watch // similar Urban Expressions purse (many colors available) // similar sunglasses
Today’s ‘Newsies’ inspired look is brought to you in collaboration with Aerosoles! If you don’t know who or what ‘Newsies’ are, it was a musical film turned Broadway show The movie was like one of the first films that Christian Bale (yea Batman) starred in. The main characters were paper boys and they wore hats like the one I’m wearing, knickers and boots but I switched it up a bit. Anyway, let’s get started on this post!
First off, I know you are probably tired of hearing the same thing but since I broke my foot, I’m not supposed to wear heels (pictures don’t count because I’m just posing). Since then, I’ve been on the hunt to find fashionable flats while maintaining a certain level of comfort and support. Enter, these babies fresh from the Spring 2016 lineup.
I was so shocked and flattered when Aerosoles reached out to me about shoes because I was literally just talking about how I have to now get acquainted to wearing flat shoes more often. While I love ballet flats, they don’t always provide the extra support that I now need since having surgery on my foot. I initially picked out these oxfords because I thought they were super stylish and I already own a pair of silver Sam Edelman oxfords so I kind of knew what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised when I received them because the shoes actually have a memory foam insole….like WHAT!? Having my recent orthopedic issues, this was an added bonus. Give me comfort and then just look at how cute they are.
They’ve got a one inch heel so I get a little bit of height and they are breathable which is always a key for me when purchasing shoes. Let’s face it, I’m obviously not wearing socks in these photos and I didn’t have to worry about my feet sweating on the inside…winning!!!
*Thank you Aerosoles for partnering in today’s post*
All opinions are my own
Thanks for reading!